Kids Konserve

Kids Konserve Australia | Kids Konserve | Stainless Steel Storage

we love kids konserve in australia!

We have loved Kids Konserve for some time now and we always delight in sharing their colourful range and presenting more of their products for you to enjoy as they grow. From their waste free lunch kits to their reusable lunch packing, their products are high quality and reliable. They help reduce the contribution of portable lunches to landfill and to set a strong example for the next generation.

kids konserve is not just for kids :)

Of course every item in this range is fully useful for an adult too, and with many of us taking lunches to work and to the park and wanting to reduce wastage while we are out and about, the Kids Konserve range is a great opportunity for solid storage in that context too.

Adults and children alike especially the stainless nesting trio set - which is wildly popular for all manner of uses and our special favourite are the insulated food jars.

support your unique dietary needs

One of the best things for us about the stainless food storage from Kids Konserve is that it supports us to make our food choices portable. With food at hand we save money on buying food when we are out, and have full control over making dietary choices that are perfect for our needs.

With out children eating the food that we know works best with their tummies, we are more likely to enjoy a peaceful day and well slept night.
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